I was listening to a local radio station the other day and
the subject was hobbies and how much money people spend on them. 
Listeners called in to talk about theirs - and what they spend.
One man said he collects antique fishing gear and
just paid $2,000 for an old reel (go figure!),
another collected rare books and would be happy to pay thousands of dollars
just for one, and yet another flew model airplanes that cost him more than
$30,000 just for the radio bit.
Then, I thought about the amount
I would spend a year on all my craft stuff and I have to say,
it's not a little frightening - it's very frightening!
But what is even more amazing is the amount of time I spend on my craft.
How about you? Most crafters I know are a tad fanatical about their hobby.
People really are a funny breed you know. Let's take patchwork as an example.
I mean, think about it logically.
We buy pretty fabric - and lots of it - and cut it up into little squares,
then sew it all back together again in pretty designs, and often by hand,
not by machine. Where is the sense in that?
But, then again, golfers are mad about hitting a little white ball with
metals rods with knobs on the end around acres of grassy paddocks
that have little holes dug in the ground with flags stitching out to indicate
where they are.
Indeed, what the human species will do in the name of relaxation and enjoyment!

I guess what it comes down to is that each and every one of us great joy
and contentment. Time may not allow us to pursue them as much as we would like,
but the time we do get doing them is enough for us to escape from the real world
and leave our worries and cares behind for a short while,
allowing us to forget the burdens we all carry.
But for those who do have a hobby -
and all of you reading this could safely be counted among them!
- we are truly lucky indeed. And besides, who cares how much it costs?

Happy crafting!

Sharon Hawkins

今天Mandy在誠品買了一本來自澳洲的手作雜誌, 這篇文章應該算是中文書裡的引介或者稱為"序"。
我覺得這篇文章有好多句子都寫得好貼切, 讓Mandy深深的心有同感。

培養自己的興趣、嗜好, 是很重要的!

也許是Mandy想太多了, 可Mandy老是希望我們家爸比能培養一個靜一點的興趣。
等我倆都老了以後, Mandy在家玩拼布、十字繡; 爸比也可在一旁陪著Mandy老婆婆。

爸比老是在外面跑慣了, 真擔心他老了會很不習慣。爸比告訴Mandy, 等他真的退休了, 就去學木工!

好啊! 好啊! 屆時我可以和爸比一起研究"彩繪"。

老天爺是公平的, 每個人的時間都一樣,就看個人如何安排屬於自己的時間,
如何讓自己活出色彩、享受人生; 不是嗎?

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